Wednesday, October 11, 2006

phrases in portuguese

Tudo bem (too-doo beng) - how are you? The literal translation is all is well. To reply you simply say tudo bem in return.

é seu nome? (qual eh seh-oo gnome-eh) or como se chama? - What is your

Meu nome é _____. (may-o gnome-eh _____.) or Eu me chamo ______. (eh-o me shaw-mo______.) - My name is ______.

Você é de onde? (vo-seh eh gee own-gee) - Where are you from?

Eu sou de _____. (eh-o so gee ____.) - I am from _____.

Que horas são? (kay ore-uh sa-ow-n) - What time is it?

É cinco horas. - It's 5:00.

Fun phrases (frases divertidas):

Ele deu me um bolo. (el-ee dey-oo mey um bowl-o). - He gave me a cake - this phrase in Brazil means to stand someone up, to not meet an appointment. If you schedule a time to meet and they don't come, or they stood you up, you say they gave you a cake.

Já era. (je-ah heir-ah) - Already was, that's over, oh well that's done.

Que massa! (kay ma-sah) - How cool, awesome!

Minha nossa! (mean-jah no-sah) - wow!

Tudo azul (tu-du ah-zoo-uhl) - alls blue - meaning in Brazil, everything's good.

Onde est
á o banheiro? (own-gee eh-stah o bawn-yehr-row) - Where is the bathroom?


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