Corn is a very popular food in Brazil. It is used to make a variety of different dishes. Some of the foods made with corn are grilled corn on the cob, boiled or baked corn, cuzcuz made from corn, breads, corn on pizza, in hamburgers, sandwiches, etc. For the month of June these different corn dishes will frequently come up in traditional Brazilian meals.
Many corn desserts are found through out the month, and frequently throughout the entire year. Some corn desserts include puddings, mush, corn flavored ice cream, popcorn, candies, cakes, etc. A popular dessert called canjica is a sweet corn mush made with regular and coconut milk, sugar, butter, and cinnamon.
Another familiar dish made from corn at this time is pamonha. This is a corn paste made with milk that is wrapped in the corn husk and boiled in water. It can be either a sweet dessert or a salty side or snack.
Here is a recipe for canjica if you want to try it
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